
Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2, 2011

Okay, yesterday was a good day. Babysat our grandson, the light of our life, over the New Years so he went home to his mom yesterday. Took the day to reflect my moves and collect some thoughts. Now as a norm we would go out to dinner. But keeping with my new life style I made dinner for two out of what is in the freezer. So Sheppards Pie it was. Mashed potatoes and green beans.

Today is January 2. I've been walking around and just giving some things the one glance decission. Look at it, like it or love it or hate it???? Hate it- toss it!
Three garbage bags later and three more almost full. Today is a turkey by Lyliedale that says it is an all in one turkey. Cook frozen, stuffing etc included. I will report on that one later today. I figure I'll be eating the freezer out for a bit so why not start with turkey. lolol

Tomorrow the shops will be open as usual again lets hope. My plan is to go to a travel agency and get the travel books needed and start planning this trip in one years time. MY goal is to be in Spain for the November 10 date that Stacey passed away on.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Here it is, December 31, 2010

The night before it is all going to start for me in my life. Tomorrow morning I am going to start January 1, 2011 with a whole new out look and style of living. I am going to be so dirt cheap, I am going to queek! Stacey use to turn the heat down to near freezing point when her alloted amount of moneys for heat was spent. Her remark was, "Put a sweater on!" Same with air conditioning, "Take some clothes off"

My thought is that I want to put $3,000.00 a month into a travel fund to take a world trip. I know this isn't enough but I want to make myself add this to my trip fund. I want to document it and make it into the best I can in her names sake. Trouble is, I am not the traveller in the family and my health is not like I was when I was younger so this is going to be an overall change. I have to lose weight to do the travelling, have to declutter my whole house, and I have to stop thinking of 'finds' and 'purchases' as memories and treasurers. Just because I am blessed with money to spend should not let me spend it.

Basically I have to get into the 'shower' of life and wash off all my old living habits and beliefs and start new. And without time to think about it or to find a reason to get out of it, I am jumping into this TOMORROW MORNING!